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CS:GO Extreme
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Everything posted by jsilva

  1. Koryo extreme csgo is a legit cheat that makes matchmaking on main account with 3K dollar worth of skins extremely viable due to visual funcions. I'm also cheating on gamersclub over 2mo with aimbot, trigger and radar and never been banned. Omg, radar makes that shit so much less disgraceful . I only used leaguemode (rip) before and this is so much better that the old one. Koryo extreme csgo eh um cheat que torna o mm na conta principal com 15 mil reais em skin extremamente viável por causa das funções visuais. Também estou xitando na gc há mais de 2 meses usando aimbot, trigger e radar e nunca fui banido. Meu Deus, o radar torna aquela merda numa desgraça bem menor . Eu só usei leaguemode (rip) antes e este eh infinitamente melhor que o antigo.
  2. Can close, just saw "no visuals"...
  3. Hi, I'd like to know if the cheat bypasses the screenshots taken by GC's trojan anticheat. In other worlds, can I keep wall/glow on all the time and not toggling for half a second like some other providers?
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